I am developing PHP Phalcon web application that requires Nginx as server, PHP-FPM of course will be used as Fast-CGI PHP parse behind Nginx and RDBMS Postgresql. The final production will be Ubuntu Server but I prefer development environment in Mac OSX Mountain Lion.
You may consider Mac OSX is Unix box. Therefore why not creating Shell scripts that starts and stops Nginx, PHP-FPM and Postgresql automatically rather than typing lengthy command.

I am going to create two shell scripts: webstart.sh and webstop.sh in /usr/local/sbin

Content of webstart.sh

echo "Starting Nginx"
sudo nginx
echo 'Starting PHP-FPM'
sudo PHP-FPM -D --pid /usr/local/var/run/php-fpm.pid
echo "Starting Postgresql"
pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres -l /usr/local/var/postgres/server.log start

Content of webstop.sh

echo 'Stop Nginx'
sudo nginx -s stop

echo 'Stop PHP-FPM'
sudo kill `cat /usr/local/var/run/php-fpm.pid`

echo 'Stop Postgresql'
pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres stop -s -m fast

Now, in terminal, you can type

sh webstart.sh  #to start Nginx, PHP-FPM, Postgresql
sh webstop.sh  #to stop

More about this series, please look at.
Cài đặt Phalcon trực tiếp trên Mac
Cài đặt Postgresql trên Mac
Cấu hình nginx share hosting nhiều domain
Homebrew công cụ không thể thiếu khi lập trình trên Mac OSX