Dưới đây là một số câu quiz luyện thi chứng chỉ AWS chủ đề VPC.

Mọi người tự làm trước, đáp án và video giải thích ở cuối bài nha.

1. You have a web server and an app server running. You often reboot your app for maintenance activities. Every time you reboot your app server, you need to update connect string for the web server since the IP address of the app server changes. how do you fix this issue?

A. Allocate an IPv6 address to the app server

B. Allocate an Elastic Network Interface to the app server

C. Allocate an Elastic IP address to the app server

D. Run a script to change the connection

2. In a default VPC, all EC2 instances are assigned 2 IP addresses at launch. What are they?

A. An elastic and a public IP address

B. A public and a private IP address

C. An IPv6 and an elastic IP address

D. A public and a secret IP address

3. What is the maximum size of the CIDR block you can have for a VPC

A. 16

B. 32

C. 28

D. 10

4. You have created a VPC with two subnets. The web servers are running in a public subnet and the database server is running in a private subnet. You need to download an operating system patch to update the database server. How are you going to download the patch?

A. By attaching an Internet Gateway to the private subnet temporarily

B. By using a NAT gateway

C. By using peering to another VPC

D. By changing the security group of the database server and allowing internet access

5. Having just created a new VPC and launched an instance into its public subnet, you realize that you have forgotten to assign a public IP to the instance during creation. What is the simplest way to make your instance reachable from the outside world?

A. Create an Elastic IP address and associate it with your instance

B. Associate the private IP of your instance to the public IP of the Internet gateway

C. Nothing - by default all instances deployed into any public subnet will automatically receive a public IP

D. Create an Elastic IP and new network interface. Associated the Elastic IP to the new network interface and the new network interface to your instance



Đáp án: 1C - 2B - 3A - 4B - 5A


Video giải thích trích từ record buổi học VPC mọi người xem tại đây nhé : AWS: Quiz VPC over view có giải đáp

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