Tác giả Matt Mahoney, mmahoney@cs.fit.edu.
Đội ngũ giảng viên TechMaster biên soạn, định dạng lại cho dễ đọc hơn.

C++ Standard Library – phần 2


// Comment to end of line
                          /* Multi-line comment */
#include <stdio.h>        // Insert standard header file
#include "myfile.h"       // Insert file in current directory
#define X some text       // Replace X with some text
#define F(a,b) a+b        // Replace F(1,2) with 1+2
#define X 
  some text               // Line continuation
#undef X                  // Remove definition
#if defined(X)            // Condional compilation (#ifdef X)
#else                     // Optional (#ifndef X or #if !defined(X))
#endif                    // Required after #if, #ifdef


255, 0377, 0xff           // Integers (decimal, octal, hex)
2147483647L, 0x7fffffffl  // Long (32-bit) integers
123.0, 1.23e2             // double (real) numbers
'a', '141', 'x61'       // Character (literal, octal, hex)
'n', '\', ''', '"'    // Newline, backslash, single quote, double quote
"stringn"                // Array of characters ending with newline and